Drug Design : How a New Drug is Developed

Dipan Ghosh, RKMV

The intriguing topic of drug development was the focus of the 32nd Praktani Adda of Ramakrishna Mission Vidyapith. All of us who dealt with the Corona Epidemic are familiar with the impatience that pervaded the search for an efficient vaccine.

As vaccines were introduced, Pfizer, Bharat Biotech, and Sputnik became household names. We were anxious to obtain them to shield our loved ones from the horrible epidemic's lethal fangs. But somewhere in the middle of all the commotion is the pipeline that new drugs and vaccines must travel through to be suitable for widespread use.

The same is true for everyone who has taken medicine; nevertheless, how often do we consider the process of these life-saving drugs being created?

Dipan Ghosh, a 2011 graduate of Ramakrishna Mission Vidyapith, gave an engaging presentation during the 32nd adda on a high-level overview of the drug design and development pipeline.

At the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, Dipan finished his BS-MS program with a biology major and a chemistry minor. He joined the Marie Curie Industrial Training Network (ITN) for his Ph.D. after graduating from IISc Bangalore. This introduced him to the pharmaceutical sector and computational chemistry. After completing his Ph.D., he is currently employed as a Scientist in a Pharma Company in Dortmund, Germany.

He gets access to both industry and academic aspects of drug research because of the fellowship he has achieved through perseverance and hard work. He discussed the entire process of developing and prescribing a chemical substance with the audience during the Adda.

He systematically described the lengthy process—which frequently lasts decades and costs millions—that a single molecule must go through to become a prescription medication, keeping the adda simple and entertaining.


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