Opportunities & Challenges in Agri-Preneurship & Modern Agri Business

Daipaayan Sen, RKMV 1997 (Class X)

The 38th Praktani Adda reiterates Thomas Jefferson’s famous quote, “Agriculture is our wisest pursuit because it will, in the end, contribute most to real wealth, good morals and happiness.” The adda presented, in simple words, a holistic view of the Indian Agricultural Sector and its expanse in terms of scope and opportunities.

Speaker of the adda Daipaayan Sen, a social entrepreneur in agriculture and allied sector, is currently secretary at JVES, partner with IXBAPL and upstream agribusiness consultant with Amalfarm. During the adda, he deliberated how Agriculture is one recession-proof business that has recently become hostile to climate changes and large market dynamics, including politics.

He went on to explain during the adda how it is the only profession that still does not attract direct or indirect taxes and is very lucrative. The adda also delved into advancement in farm technologies, mechanization, agri digitization, farm solutions and IoT in Agriculture. The speaker explained how this sector is attracting young entrepreneurs in farming and providing solutions to its allied/linked sectors.

The speaker also explained that the demand for niche products like Organic farming, Hydroponics, Vertical gardening, etc., is seeing an exponential rise in both their demand and production capacities, revealing the most important question on where to begin and how to begin. How, Why, When and Where to grow crops and market them.

Daipaayan Sen said during the adda that there are people who want to join early in the profession and established praktanis who wish to return to nature and earn simultaneously.

The adda was free and interactive with his personal experiences in this path for the last 18 years and how, in due course of time, have also become part of the change, from an Organic farm input manufacturing experience to becoming one of the most extensive support agencies in Organic farming in Eastern and North Eastern India.


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