Biogas Plant
Makeen Energy
Under Construction
Biogas Plant • Makeen Energy • Under Construction •
Type of the Plant
Bio-Gas Plant in progress at the Vidyapith Premises.
Makeen Energy India Pvt. Ltd. donated INR 15 lakhs for the installation of the new biogas plant.
Impact of this project
The Vidyapith campus has 100+ gau-matas, who are kind enough to supply enough nutritious milk to keep the students, monks, and staff members healthy and energetic in order to perform their duties. The kitchen department works hard to make tasty food for the vidyapith inmates. A lot of bio-degradable waste is generated from the gau-shala and the kitchen. This is used to feed the bio-gas plant, thus generating bio-gas which is further used for cooking purposes. This reduces the dependency on non-renewable resources.
Special Thanks
Vidyapith extends thanks to Shri Manoj K Jha (Vidyapith Class of 1988), Regional Director and General Manager, MAKEEN Energy India Private Limited, Hyderabad, Telangana for the kind contribution. Special thanks to Shri Rishi Prakash (1997 batch), Member of EC, Praktani for coordinating the entire process from the beginning till conclusion.