What to do When Cancer Doesn't Respond to the Treatment?

Dr Sukhdev Nayak, (RKMV 1975)

Palliative care is crucial in the holistic management of cancer patients who no longer respond to curative treatment. Dr. Nayak, a renowned expert in the field, emphasized the significance of providing physical, social, emotional, and spiritual support to patients and their families. In this Adda, he delves into the key aspects of palliative care and its profound impact on improving quality of life until the end.

Dr. Sukhdev Nayak, RKMV 1975, addressed Praktani Adda on 22 April 2023 on the topic “What to do when cancer doesn’t respond to the treatment?” Dr. Nayak is a Retired Professor and Head of Anesthesiology from AIIMS, Bhubaneshwar, and ex-Director of Cancer Regional Centre, Cuttack.

One of the primary objectives of palliative care is to enable patients to live as actively as possible, even when curative treatment options are no longer viable. By focusing on symptom management and pain relief, palliative care specialists ensure that patients can maintain a certain level of physical comfort. This comprehensive approach also involves addressing emotional and psychological needs, such as anxiety and depression, through counseling and therapies. The ultimate goal is to empower patients to engage in meaningful activities, spend time with loved ones, and maximize their remaining days.

Cancer doesn’t just affect the patient—it also profoundly impacts their family members. Palliative care recognizes the need to support the patient’s loved ones throughout the journey. By offering guidance, counseling, and practical assistance, palliative care teams help families cope with the emotional and practical challenges that arise during the patient’s illness. This support extends beyond the patient’s passing, as palliative care provides bereavement services to help families navigate the grieving process. By addressing the holistic needs of both patients and their families, palliative care fosters resilience and eases the burden of terminal illness.

Palliative care takes a multi-dimensional approach to cater to the diverse needs of cancer patients and their families. In addition to medical interventions, the care team focuses on enhancing social connections and providing opportunities for emotional expression. They create a safe space for patients to discuss their fears, hopes, and spiritual concerns, offering guidance and comfort. By collaborating with other healthcare professionals, including psychologists, social workers, and chaplains, palliative care specialists ensure a comprehensive support system that addresses the patient’s journey’s physical, social, emotional, and spiritual aspects.

Palliative care continues to play a vital role in improving the quality of life for advanced-stage cancer patients. Dr. Nayak’s expertise in palliative care highlights the transformative power of comprehensive support for cancer patients and their families. Through this holistic approach, patients can live actively and comfortably until their last breath, while families receive the necessary support to navigate the challenges of illness and bereavement.


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