Vidyapith Praktani Reunion 2022, Kolkata

The city of joy, Kolkata, witnessed history as, for the first time, 106 Praktani members gathered under one roof to celebrate the centenary year of Ramakrishna Mission Vidyapith, Deoghar, on March 6, 2022.

This was special for all the alumni from Kolkata as the city boasts of playing a pivotal role in the evolution of the Vidyapith Praktani, the alumni association of RKM Vidyapith with founding members belonging to the place. All the ex-students who came here for the centenary meet were drenched with emotion and passion.

It is for the first time in the 100 year history of the institution that so many Praktanis assembled from across the globe at various locations and along different time zones on March 6, with the Kolkata chapter contributing to it.

Every “Old Boy” was trying to re-live each of their Vidyapith Days in just five hours!! Manish Priyadarshi, Honorable President of Vidyapith Praktani, came to Kolkata to share these moments with the city’s alumni chapter that has christened itself as Kolkata Knights.

It all started with an idea floated by Vidyapith Praktani to have a meeting after months of confinement. Once the idea was floated, few among our Praktani brothers took to leadership roles to provide an idea the shape. As days passed, requests for voluntary participation were floated, and it finally culminated in the event that surpassed the imagination of the most far-fetched dreamers. The alumni meet of various chapters has the ball rolling for the mega centenary meet.

The Praktani gathering in the city was about the warmth of the assembly that punched magic in the air and each individual who attended had an adrenaline rush. Tamal da, RKMV1967 (senior-most participant), shared his tale about the precious moments he has spent at Vidyapith with juniors separated by a gap of 51 years and intertwined by the bonhomie of a fraternity that is thriving by the day.  

During the meeting, the silence was observed for the departed soul during the Covid19 exigency. It also witnessed clapping in appreciation for our doctor brothers for their exemplary services during the period. Emotional expressions were written on all faces, including the spouses.

It was all around truly Divided by Years and United by Spirit. Eighty-seven boys were frozen in time and were having food at “Dining Hall’. The dishes served was a reminiscence of the Bhandar! The junior boys started serving seniors, and when the seniors of 70 took to reciprocation, that was taste worth a lifetime. It was the 1974 batch that beat all other batches in numbers and spirit.

A token of appreciation was handed to each participant. Every moment was filled with the essence of Vidyapith. The joy of being part of such august company superseded all emotion that was drenched in the hues of brotherhood.

While we were winding up, someone quipped – with 87 Praktanis of average seven years.....600 Vidyapith- Years in just one platform, we can expect 6000 Vidyapith Years during the Centenary Grand Finale to be held at Deoghar!


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Vidyapith Praktani Reunion 2022, Mumbai